BlueBit launches seed pool on Trisolaris

BlueBit Finance
2 min readMar 22, 2022

We’re delighted to announce our partnership with the Trisolaris Labs to enable the wNEAR<>BBT pool!

$BBT address: 0x4148d2Ce7816F0AE378d98b40eB3A7211E1fcF0D
wNEAR<>BBT, LP address: 0xadAbA7E2bf88Bd10ACb782302A568294566236dC

This is an ecosystem pool and will be incentivized by $BBT tokens, and emissions will be distributed for a period of 24 weeks. Users who stake their LP tokens will receive $BBT as rewards.

You can head over to Trisolaris and deposit your LP tokens in the farm page. Rewards for this pair will turn on at approximately 17:00 UTC on March 23rd. We will announce on our social media once rewards are live!

What is $BBT?

$BBT token is BlueBit platform’s utility token. It can be gained through liquidity mining rewards, and DEX trading. Additionally, users are able to stake $BBT token to acquire veBBT token, which is BlueBit platform’s governance token that enables holders to be eligible for a range of benefits and participate in governance.

Where to get $BBT?

You can trade $BBT directly on Trisolaris.

About Trisolaris

Trisolaris is a community-owned decentralised exchange (DEX) with fast-settlement, low fees, and a democratic governance process. Built on NEAR’s Aurora EVM, Trisolaris is building the one-stop-shop for DeFi on NEAR!

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About BlueBit Finance:

BlueBit Finance is a yield aggregation protocol deployed on Aurora. The protocol allows users to earn more yield from DeFi farming in a more secure, more accessible and more efficient manner.

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